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WOAH!! ALBUMS!!! vol 1

Writer's picture: caspiancaspian

I'm sorry I haven't been active much on here lately, I lost motivation to do dedicated reviews and of course, school comes first, which I have been so amazingly excelling at lately, so I guess reviewing music isn't really a priority of mine. So here we go. Basically a What Else Did I Listen To, but pretty much all of these were planned to get full reviews, so sorry about that. I like this format better. More albums reviewed faster. It's great. Plus it's getting to a point where all music I am hearing now is meh. It's okay. Nothing really standing out and being amazing, besides from that new VSC EP, that frickin rules. So yeah. Here ya go. Have fun.

Josh Fudge- Fun Times

Wow this album is so hard to listen to. I've listened to it like 3 or 4 times and I had to stop multiple times through every listen, simply because this is unbearable. These songs sound overproduced as hell, squeaky clean in the sense that you can not lay a finger on these tracks without your entire body slipping and sliding all over the floor, not to mention these songs are forgettable as hell. This album really suffers from Releasing-All-The-Best-Songs-As-Singles Syndrome, and not even all of them were good. There really is only one good song in here, and that is When She's Gone, and since that's the song that kicks the entire thing off, it's literally all downhill from here. This is probably bedroom pop at its worst because the more I listened to it, the more I hated it. Summer Something is a much needed highlight, Losing Time is a good way to end this entire thing but oh my god I need to stress that this is not good. Please do not waste your time listening to this, only listen to When She's Gone.


food house- food house

Another forgettable and bland record. This time, it's hyperpop. This is the literal starter pack for hyperpop, like this is probably the album I would send people if they wanted to get into the genre, but there are so much better acts than this. I went into this with an open mind, not to call them a 100 gecs ripoff, because everyone is different and unique and special, but this literally just sounds like dollar store gecs. Not to mention them explicitly saying that Simon got the best head, dead meme, buddies. It's clear that Theodore got the best head, however, that's coming from a guy who doesn't want PewDiePie listening to his music. I bring up the head thing because that's literally the only thing I remember from this album. My god. I'm so sorry this entire review starts out so cynical, I just needed to get these two reviews off my chest.


Dua Lipa- Future Nostalgia

God. Damn. This album bangs. From the title track opener to Break My Heart, it's just one slapper after another. Thing is, I wouldn't really go back to this all that much. It's basically just a "good in the moment" album. Although some songs are actually worth replaying. The aforementioned title track, Levitating, and even Don't Start Now. I really wrote off this song as just a basic and unfinished song that had so much potential, but with the context of this album, this is one of my favourite songs on the record. Alright now we need to get to the really bad part. So Good In Bed is annoying as hell and Boys Will Be Boys is even more annoying in terms of lyrics. The backing instrumental on that track actually isn't all that bad. I just can't get over the "mansplained" part. Good In Bed, however, has zero redeeming qualities about it, but we're not getting into that. Thing is, this is a really really great album, and I can't wait to see where Dua Lipa goes next with this new sound, or if she's even going to keep it, she might just have a completely new sound a couple years from now, who knows. It's worth your time, but a lot of things could've been improved.


classic j- jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

Context: when the lead singer for the band glass beach was finished making the first glass beach album (I'll give you a wild guess on what the name of it is), they felt like they needed to just make quick and simple and easy to digest songs. The 15 tracks on the first glass beach album took 4 years to craft, and so j took it upon themself to make 15 songs that are in and out super fast. They admitted that the entire album literally took like a couple hours to make, so what the hell did we end up with? Slapper after slapper. Thing is, it's one of those albums where you hear a certain song and you like it but have no idea what it's called because 3 more songs played right after and you had no idea. There were a few highlights here, however, one song that (surprisingly) dragged on for too long was world. my god it's the worst one on here. Now friends, I know I can't talk about this record without telling yall about you can give spaghetti to a rat. you can give spaghetti to a rat. spaghetti to a rat. spaghetti to a rat. It's such a great closing moment that ends the album horribly but really leaves it in the most classic j way possible. good job j, you made an amazing album in only a few hours.


Krylatskaya- Krylatskaya

Um. So I found this while scrolling through the various artists topic page on youtube, because I do that sometimes, and the album cover really interested me. it's a girl in a... body of water, looking mad confused, and I had to check it out. Turns out, this is a folk album that surprisingly bangs. The tracks are very short, but there's 21 of them, so the entire thing clocks in at just under an hour, which I don't mind. It's a treat to hear a non-english record bang this hard. These aren't slappers but the songs are so great. I have no idea what any of the songs are about, but does it matter? This woman is going to go places, and I would be glad to say that I knew her when her first album dropped. If you're looking for chill and downtempo folk, definitely check this out, it's really really special


Vansire- Angel Youth

I really love Vansire. I think they are easily the most interesting bedroom pop act going on right now, however, this album... oof. I got invested in them with Halcyon Age and Metamodernity, however, this album really really suffers from Same-Song-Syndrome. I really feel like their best songs are their most popular ones, and that kinda sucks. For an hour long record, it really feels like all of these songs sound the exact same, and Halcyon Age is definitely weird in that regard, simply because it stands out so much, not just for being a single, but because it literally sounds nothing like the trippy and hypnotic rest of the album. I do like the callback to that song on the closer, even though for a solid second I thought that they ran out of ideas for songs and started recycling. It drags on for too long, but a solid experience from front to back. Check it out. Or not. The choice is up to you.


DREAMERS- Palm Reader

So I got invested into DREAMERS after a youtube ad I got out of the blue for Die Happy. I liked the song, but I grew more and more distant from the band, simply because their songs' replay values were very very scarce. I decided to check this out just because. Go into it with an open mind, it's been a full 2 years since their last record, maybe they might've improved. Yeah no. This album shows 0 signs of growth. Palm Reader was a nice cut with an unexpected Big Boi feature, the other songs are just... forgettable, boring, too long. Funny, cuz they were all singles. Wait all of these songs were singles, why compile them into a big thing? They don't even flow well into each other, like Bishop Ivy's LIMBO or anything. Then they threw in the random Heat Seeker remix with grandson, who adds absolutely nothing to the track. What the hell is this, I really have no idea.


glass beach- alchemist rats beg bashful (remixes)

So I guess I put this at the end cuz this doesn't really count as an actual album, but I need to talk about this. You all need to hear at least some of the songs on here. This doesn't get a rating, but this does get recommendations. This features remixes and even covers from other bands, so here is a list of what I think were the best songs: jhariah dies and goes to hell,

(FOREVER!!!!!!!!!) [WOW OK Remix], neon glow (floral tattoo version), yoshis island (clover & sealife world 7x7 mix), Planetarium (Shalfi), Bone Skull (Bartees Strange Remix), Rat Castle (Skylar Spence Remix), and Orchids Reimagined (Nnamdi). The rest are just okay. bUt WhAt AbOuT dOgLeG's NeOn GlOw CoVeR??? It just sounds like noise to me. Which I guess that was the point, but we already have floral tattoo's version filling the hole just as well.

So yeah. Albums. See ya later.

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