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The Plastic E-Gulls- Sea Base (2017)

Writer's picture: caspiancaspian

From time to time, I check the virtual band hashtag on Insta to see if any newcomers appear in the ring. I always want to support the community, especially the people who are just starting out. This time, I decided to look at the virtual band tag on Bandcamp, because I know that I'm going to find some good stuff on there. This album cover was the most eye catching and appealing, and I found out this is their fifth. Fifth studio album on a bloated bandcamp page, and as of right now, their most recent. The Plastic E-Gulls are a virtual band from New York made up of Ian Furelli, vocalist & guitarist (top left), Brian O'Feeny, drummer (top right), Tina Furelli... a clone..??? She's the bassist (bottom right), and Ellen Blinstone, the keyboardist (bottom left). So now we got introductions out of the way, how the gosh darn heck is the album? Well it could sure use a mono version for sure. I think the major issue of this album is the fact that it is pretty much impossible to listen to this with one earbud in. Not even the instruments are consistent in earbuds, the lead guitar flips between the left and right and it is annoying as hell. I thought something was wrong with my headphones, but that wasn't the case, and so I thought maybe it was the audio files themselves, but across every platform, it's like that, but then I had to check their other stuff, and yeah they're all like that. I feel like the only time I actually enjoyed it is the song (Play) A Simple Melody where Ellen comes in on the mic and joins Ian and I do admit, I like that. However, if that's their style, then who really cares.

But what about the actual music? Ya know, the thing that actually matters? Well, it's pretty much if The Blue Dragon Band made folk and country music, and no, it's not cuz of the virtual band schtick, but because the musical style between this record and Blind Birds are pretty similar, except with a guitar taking the driver's seat. And more power on the vocals. And more questionable lyrics. But oh jebus, nothing. and I mean nothing, can justify the runtime for these songs. "bUt CaSpY, yOu HaVe So MuCh SiX mInUtE sOnGs AnD eVeN a TeN mInUtE oNe ThAt As Of ToDaY iS uNrElEaSeD" yes, that is true, however, I do not make songs with it being ten minutes in mind. It's only 6 minutes if it manages to be 6 minutes. If it's only 2, then it's only 2. I hate songs that are dragged out and I hate dragging out songs myself. But some of these songs just need to be trimmer. Just a hair.

I think the strongest point on the album is actually the vocals. Yes, they sound amateur, however, Ian's voice actually gives the album a much needed flare and differentiates the album and basically the entire band from blending in. I hear the voice and I will immediately know its TPEG and that isn't something that I can say for most people. These songs are definitely different from what you normally hear and I appreciate that a whole ton. I think the best moment in vocal performance is actually the 11 minute song where this guy is having a "conversation" with... himself?? Where he basically is intimidating this girl by mocking her voice as he's describing all the horrible things that happened to her when he wasn't in her presence. I think that's just brilliant and like I said on the Gossamer review, it's different, it's fun, and I love when that stuff is in music, except it's more or less for the deep cuts because I don't think anyone would get away with something like that on a single and the replay value isn't there. Now, that isn't the only thing I want to talk about regarding the song. I personally think the acapella part should definitely be cut, but I do like how he was talking about stuff that happened around Christmas, actual sleigh bells were being used, but everything after the 8 minute mark is just pure filler and not needed in my opinion, like they kinda want to squeeze out every last drop of this album (haha get it).

The rest of the songs, I surprisingly don't have a lot to say about them, except the postcards song where there is a harmonica solo. 10/10 for the harmonica. However, these songs just do not have the aforementioned replay value to them, simply because they're not for me, and because the songs don't stand out as much as they should. Yeah they're different here and there, but if you ask me the difference between Sensation and Aimless Wandering, I would just be totally be stumped. It's just because it seems like they wanted to make another album to have more songs to their discography, and not because they really really wanted to make more. Maybe that isn't the case, I don't know, but I really wanted to enjoy this record, I really really wanted to, but I just couldn't. This album overstays its welcome and I just wish TPEG would come back stronger and ready with new material and not the samey stuff. I think my favourite tracks on here are the intro, A Simple Melody, Tina's Theme and Sloop John B. Sails. That last song really closes out the project in the best way possible, I love the "we're going home" line, it just really is a great end to it all. Besides from that it was majorly alright, so just a middle of the road score for me, personally.


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