This is a great day in music. We got a new COIN and VSC EP, but not only that, but a new Paper Kites record that I will review soon, hopefully today but we'll see how that will go down, but for now, let's get jiggy wit it, y'all for a short review of two contenders for EP of the year.
COIN- Green Blue
The second in their Rainbow Mixtape series, the COIN crew deliver a peaceful and vibey record all about what every pop band exclusively makes songs about. Relationships. This is a lot more atmospheric than Dreamland, and goes a lot more in depth on yourself and how your girl thinks about you... it's strange when I say it out loud but trust me it's great.
We open with the bubbly Sprite... haha get it? I just had to make that pun but I'm serious. I love this song. I don't think any opening song will ever top Into My Arms, but this is close. It's the simple COIN formula, but it has improved and evolved, and I like that. We then get Sagittarius Superstar, with I believe their first feature ever, Faye Webster. She surprisingly has a lot of chemistry with Chase, and it's kinda nice hearing a new voice every once in a while. The beat is nice and I love the tiny hook it has, it's just a nice and sweet song with lazy lyrics. Like come on, you couldn't come up with any better lyrics than "Baby, you're my baby"? Alright. We then get Turnaround with painfully obvious lyrics about some guy not being sure about how he is doing mentally. The acoustics here are actually a lot more peaceful than expected, especially for a COIN track, they have dabbled in slow songs before, but this might actually be their best. Then we have... Earth to God. Eh. Whenever they mention their faith in their songs I never really minded it, since it was very few and far between and it never took up their entire songs, I think Dreamland only had like, 2 references to it, and they were only like a couple lines, but this time, big man Joey is up front and center. It grew on me, especially the verses, i love those, but the one thing that really destroys the song for me is the way he says "Earth to God". I hate it.
Yeah that's Green Blue. It's a thing, but a good thing. It has Indigo Violet attached to it, so that's a bonus I guess. It really helps the entire thing feel like an actual record, but they're two separate EPs and no one can tell me otherwise.
Vancouver Sleep Clinic- From A Distant Dream
OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH BOY Here we go. To this day there isn't a bad VSC EP or album, even though I will never forgive him for taking away Babylon, Bloodshot and Trippin on Phase 02 and replacing them with inferior songs, HOWEVER. The reissued version of Phase 02 is still good, I still enjoyed it. I don't believe Tim has the inability to create a "bad song", it's just that all the songs that aren't amazing, which there are very few he has made, are just forgettable. With all that being said, what do I think of Timmy's newest EP? Fan. Tastic. He took Onwards To Zion, his last release, and combined it with Phase 01 and sprinkled in a bit of Winter in there to make this a literal spiritual experience. I transcended while first listening to this, and I highly, highly recommend it to you. yes, YOU reading this.
We open with... You Open My Mind, which is short, but a great way to start things off, reminds me a lot of Sleep Party People's Scattered Glass, except a lot more stripped back, and I mean that in the best possible way. On the song right after, Into The Black, we hear a sample of a lady speaking in some asian language, and I gotta tell you. Every time a female vocalist sings with Bettinson, it's always a great sign. She accompanies him so well, in this very short peaceful moment. The female vocalists return in I Sunk In All The Memories, and it's my favourite song on here, and contender for song of the year. It is such a beautiful, mysterious and dark cut that does literally everything right, and the whistle at the end was literally the perfect cherry on top to end it all off.
I guess the only thing holding this back from a higher score is to let the songs fully climax and really explore them to their depths of their cores, and then it would be close to perfect, but it ends way too soon, and it leaves me wanting more. A lot more. However. What we got was so amazing, I can't not give it a bad score, good job Tim, you have done it again.